Desperate Housewives is a drama/comedy TV show created by Marc Cherry in 2004. Desperate Housewives shows the lives of these families that live on Wisteria Lane and drama that goes on behind closed doors. The secrets and drama keeps building as you get more and more addicted !

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gabrielle Solis

Gabrielle Solis
Gaby is portrayed as vain, shallow, and materialistic, but underneath she is thoughtful and caring, and loves her friends on Wisteria Lane dearly and will always help in a crisis. She tends to be reckless and acts first then thinks later, often thinking of herself before others, but regretting it later and making amends. She is very attractive and has the ability to wrap men around her little finger. Gabrielle is very demanding and she always gets her way. In Season 5 which was just released on DVD shows in the last episode that Carlos's niece, Ana is coming to live with them. Gaby, however disapproves of this.

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