Desperate Housewives is a drama/comedy TV show created by Marc Cherry in 2004. Desperate Housewives shows the lives of these families that live on Wisteria Lane and drama that goes on behind closed doors. The secrets and drama keeps building as you get more and more addicted !

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lynette Scavo

Lynette Scavo

Lynette Scavo is a hard worker and mother. Lynette is married to Tom Scavo and they have four beautiful children together, only that is about to change as Lynette finds out she is expecting twins. Lynette has been having a rough time with this pregnancy, she already has four children and now with 2 more on the way she already doesn't have enough time in the day how is she suppose to find more. She has yet to inform her boss, Carlos Solis of her news in doubt that he would change his mind about her 50% salary bump.

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