Desperate Housewives is a drama/comedy TV show created by Marc Cherry in 2004. Desperate Housewives shows the lives of these families that live on Wisteria Lane and drama that goes on behind closed doors. The secrets and drama keeps building as you get more and more addicted !

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bree Van de Kamp

Bree Van de Kamp

Bree is the red-headed perfectionist. She is the model woman. Bree is known for her homemaking skills on the level of Martha Stewart. She is also known for making gourmet meals and breakfast treats, including her pineapple bran muffins. Any time a new neighbor moves in she will bring them a basket full of muffins but request that the basket be returned. She also is well-versed in regards to firearm training: she owns four guns and is a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association. She has two children, Andrew and Danielle. She was appalled to find out that in a past season her son was a homosexual and Danielle has a boy named Benjamin.

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