Desperate Housewives is a drama/comedy TV show created by Marc Cherry in 2004. Desperate Housewives shows the lives of these families that live on Wisteria Lane and drama that goes on behind closed doors. The secrets and drama keeps building as you get more and more addicted !

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Karl Mayer

Karl Mayer

Karl was married to Susan Delfino years ago when they had their daughter, Julie Mayer.Karl ruined love for Susan. He cheated on her multiple times and eventually left Susan for his secretary Brandi . Karl is now seeing a good friend of Susan. Bree Hodge is having an affair with Karl. The two are very intimate, Susan however has no idea and neither does Orson, Bree's current husband. Recently, Karl has asked Bree to marry him. Bree then states," If you can get me a divorce first, then we will talk about marriage."

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