Desperate Housewives is a drama/comedy TV show created by Marc Cherry in 2004. Desperate Housewives shows the lives of these families that live on Wisteria Lane and drama that goes on behind closed doors. The secrets and drama keeps building as you get more and more addicted !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives is a drama-comedy television show that was created by Marc Cherry in 2004.
There wouldn't be a Wisteria Lane without drama and there wouldn't be drama without the housewives that live on Wisteria Lane. Gabrielle Solis, Fashion Diva; Lynette Scavo, the model mother, Bree Van De Kamp, the perfect woman; Susan Mayer, the sexy klutz and then there is Edie Britt, Wisteria Lane's home wrecker.

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